RuneTrack Forums

What do I do once I've transferred an RSN to a new account?
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Author:  Lavaetus [ Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  What do I do once I've transferred an RSN to a new account?

See title.

I'm trying to move a name from my old account to my new one, but I'm not sure what the site will think if I do that.

The name of my old account has a different name now, but I need to wait a month before I put it on my new account. What will happen if I change my lower-levelled character to the name that RuneTrack has signed up to my high-levelled one?

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What do I do once I've transferred an RSN to a new accou


I'm not sure I fully understand your situation (maybe list links to the relevant RuneTrack accounts?) - but if you're trying to transfer Name A from an old account to a new account, follow these steps:

1.) On your old account, switch from Name A to a new name (Name B) in RuneScape.
2.) Update this change on RuneTrack using , so your RuneTrack profile will now be for Name B.
3.) Name A will now be free on RuneTrack.
4.) Claim Name A after 30 days on your new account in RuneScape.
5.) Start a RuneTrack profile for Name A.

The most important thing is to do Step 2 immediately after Step 1, to ensure the name change goes through. Since it sounds like you've already done step 1, be sure to update this name change on RuneTrack as soon as possible.

Author:  Lavaetus [ Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What do I do once I've transferred an RSN to a new accou

This is exactly what I wanted, thank you very much :).

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