RuneTrack Forums

Name changing
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Author:  Ramuhitsuji [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Name changing

There was 0 names that need updated then I come back the next day and there is 127 of them. I did a few of them but soon realized that I have tested out all of these names before. Nothing changed about them so why did they all show up again?

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sat Nov 13, 2010 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Name changing

Hi Ramuhitsuji,

Firstly, many thanks for your help with the name contributions. :)

Let me explain what happened: Each time you hit the "click here to generate a new name" link to generate a new display name if the current one appears to be banned, the system records your IP address as having already seen that current username. So basically, for every name you've gone through and indicated that it wasn't valid by clicking "click here to generate a new name" - your IP address is tied to that display name to make sure it never shows that display name again to your IP address. Other people/IP addresses will still see these names until they go through them with their IP addresses.

As RuneTrack does not use an account login system (when you go onto RuneTrack, you never have to log in), IP addresses are the best method of keeping track of different individuals for the Name Change Contribution system. However, IP addresses can change, and I believe this is what happened to you - your internet service provider changed your IP address, and thus the system detected you differently, and didn't know not to show you names you've already been through (which were logged with a different IP address).

I think the best thing to do is to just keep working through the Name Change Contribution page as usual, then just stop for the day when you get to a name you've already seen. :)

Author:  Ramuhitsuji [ Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Name changing

Thanks for explaining. My IP did change a bit from what I remember it to be before. :oops: That is a bit frustrating though. :wall: :wall:

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