RuneTrack Forums

Top 50 Rank
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Author:  Dreggstar [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 6:43 am ]
Post subject:  Top 50 Rank

Not sure where this goes...but seems like a problem.

Shouldn't I be ranked in the top 50 for xp in a day? ... l=Thieving

And why are all the lower ranks from yesterday?

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 50 Rank

Hi Dreggstar,

Let me explain what happened - apparently, there were some duplicate records in the Top 50 Global Records where users were showing up twice (with a duplicate xp/date) in a row. After discovering this, I removed the duplicates - which freed up a small number of spots at the bottom of a few skills on the Top 50 Global Records where the duplicates had been. These few freed spots were then recently filled with the newest records from the previous couple days.

Essentially - this won't make much of a difference at all, as absolutely none of the Global Records near the top of the list were effected at all. Only a few of the very bottom ranks were swapped out - which would've happened anyway in a short amount of time, as the "easier" ranks to beat at the bottom of the Global Records are always being replaced with new ones pretty often.

As your record was near the bottom of the Global thieving records, it was likely effected during this process. However, I've now restored your Global Record and it should appear correctly on the chart. :)

Author:  Foxy [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Not in the top 50???


go down too personal records and see Cooking xp:Cooking 4,110,240 Oct 19, 2010

Top 50 list:

Why am I not on there :(?

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sun Oct 24, 2010 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 50 Rank

^ Same thing as above, now fixed. :)

(Notice how only this record was swapped because it was a lower one, unlike your top Thieving which was unaffected as were all other top ranks.)

Author:  jim360 [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 50 Rank

That seems to be fine as far as it goes, but my friend theJman had a top 50 record in woodcutting (1.727m exp gain in one day), and he was ranked #29. Still should be, if I read the table correctly. ... oodcutting

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 50 Rank

jim360 wrote:
That seems to be fine as far as it goes, but my friend theJman had a top 50 record in woodcutting (1.727m exp gain in one day), and he was ranked #29. Still should be, if I read the table correctly. ... oodcutting

Thanks, now fixed. :)

Author:  phamyen [ Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Top 50 Rank

The information you have very true and useful, thank you have shared this post.

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