Ah, I see. Just a quick note - that player actually wasn't recorded as gaining 5M xp in his User Profile (that bug was fixed here:
viewtopic.php?f=4&t=11) or on any other Global Records chart, it was just an isolated incident on the front page "Yesterday's Top Xp Gains" Chart. Essentially, all that chart does is take everyone's xp in the system from 6am GMT (system update time) today and subtract it from the xp at 6am GMT yesterday, thus producing the change in experience.
While this couldn't actually effect the skills themselves on the chart as it only takes about 200K xp to get those ranked on the highscores and there's always someone who gains over 200K xp in each skill everyday, it is true that someone with a very low total level but rather high total experience (such as Smg2000smg) could sneak on there for total level.
I've now fixed this. Thanks for letting me know.