Sword Kill11 wrote:
Edit: Actually, could everyone take a look below for a moment and see if your general location and timezone (the last few words in green in the middle - for example "12:00 AM Eastern Time") is correct, and if not post a message saying so? Thanks!
What displays on third line for me is: Tues, December 31st, 2019 - 10:00 PM Mountain Time
and it should be Tues, December 31st, 2019 12:00 AM Pacific Time
Location reads: St. Louis, Missouri, United States (GMT -7)
but should be ... hmm, not sure what data my ISP gives- it varies with these sorts of scripts/code. The city won't be precise but it should say Washington, United States (GMT -8)
This error is consistent with how the banner displays for me at my clan forums, i.e. the Location reading is consistently wrong as I stated each time.
is Auto Timezone Converter adjusted for UTC?