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Firemaking World record
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Author:  FiremakingRS [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Firemaking World record

How would I go about putting my Firemaking world records back? I did over 20m firemaking xp in a day along with a few world records for exp in a week? The website messed up and gave me 155m firemaking xp in a day and removed all of that recently and I would like my legit one back.

Rsn was Jameswinter as I got the 20m and I lost them all when I changed to Firemaking.

Author:  Watery Grave [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firemaking World record

Although you might wanna post the proof along with your claim, I can vouch for him. Jameswinter (recently changed to Firemaking) indeed did have the firemaking global for most xp gained in a day at 20,000,274 whenever I went for my global. It's still posted under his top 10 as well, and the name change glitch on his account didn't seem to post any false records under his top 10. Hope you can get it readded :)

Author:  FiremakingRS [ Mon Feb 24, 2014 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firemaking World record

I cannot post proof as I tried to do my record for December 23 and it finds the other person who was firemaking before he and I changed names. I also had top 20 firemaking exp for the week that I would love to get back but I am unsure what the values were sadly.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Firemaking World record


Yes, it looks like your stat history for Firemaking was merged with the previous account holder's xp history when you took their display name.

Am I right in saying that all of your xp ( ... firemaking) prior to Jan 10, 2014 is from a different account holder?

If so, what I can do is this: I'll remove all xp history from Firemaking prior to Jan 10, 2014, and then add your 20M firemaking Global Record back to the Global Records.

Does that sound Ok?

Note: In the future, when changing your display name, take this approach:
  • Type the open display name you plan to switch to into RuneTrack, and see if it already has a RuneTrack profile.
  • If it does, add that name to your Friends list to obtain that accounts' new display name, and then change that display name's profile to its new display name.
  • This will clear out the profile for the display name you want to switch to.
  • Perform the display name switch on
  • Change your display name on RuneTrack.

If you follow those steps, everything will always work properly. Even if you don't, 99% of the time things still work - it looks like you just got unlucky and hit a 1% case where the merge couldn't exactly determine who's xp belonged to who. But following the above method will work 100% of the time.

Author:  FiremakingRS [ Wed Feb 26, 2014 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firemaking World record

Yes that is exactly what happened, I actually did not even know of the forums until watery told me about them. It there any chance that I could get my week records as well since with the other bugged ones from effigy and the other guy are gone I would be top 10 for sure, It is okay if I can only get my daily world record done I just would very much appreciate it if I could get both as I love this skill and sadly cannot re-train it again to get the records.

Thank you for the help!

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