RuneTrack Forums

Proof of personal/global record
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Author:  Dasrau [ Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Proof of personal/global record

Since my name was glitched on runetrack after a mess up on Jagex's part with a display name transfer, I had incorrect XP gains after a friend sniped my name then Jagex returned it, so I gained the xp difference. But someone pointed this out already on the forums and the records were since removed, but this also caused my personal records to be still screwed and my global record removed.

I was ranked #35 in best fishing xp gained in one day ( with 3,168,898 XP gained on August 18 2013 ( ... w=all#more), if it's possible to get that re-added it would be great.

Regarding my personal records, they're all now screwed up since the name glitch mess up, was wondering if theres a way my old personal records can be returned? Currently they're all glitched on the personal records except #9 which was on double xp weekend (

If its not posisble to return old personal records, can they just be reset and have only my global fish record + my new summoning record on there?


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