Complete in one day with working age nutrition Because just eating full may not be enough.Because working age is an important age that should not be overlooked. because it is the age that many people are on fire ready to work towards progress Therefore, food and working age nutrition Therefore, it is an important part that makes the body ready to work hard every day.
For people of working age, it will be in the range of 20-59 years, which is considered a wide range of ages, so the amount of nutrients of working age that the body needs varies. Let's have a look. that at what age should focus on what nutrients
20 years old
During this period, both men and women are strengthening their bones. Although the rate of bone regeneration is not as fast as childhood, bone regeneration continues until your mid twenties. The amount of energy needed per day is in the range of about 2000 kcal. Therefore, the nutrients that are especially needed are calcium, folate and iron.
For calcium that is good for bone-building, you should be getting 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. which can be obtained from fresh milk A small fish that can be eaten whole. Nuts and Tofu
Folate, or folic acid, is one of the B vitamins. It is responsible for repairing cells and DNA. should be taken in the amount of 400 micrograms per day But if you are a woman planning to become pregnant, you should be careful about the amount of B vitamins you get each day. It is often used as a dietary supplement during pregnancy to prevent neuropathy in babies and to treat folic acid deficiency anemia. Folate, or folic acid, can be obtained from beans, grains, brown rice, pasta, kale, and asparagus.
Iron is a component of hemoglobin and cellular immune system. and contributes to the metabolic rate as well It can be found in liver, meat, egg yolks, oysters, beans, green leafy vegetables, yeast, algae.
30 years old
The age of 30 is the time when the body enters the adulthood. But at the same time, certain parts of the body will begin to deteriorate, such as skin, bones and joints, and the endurance of the body. So if you are one of those people in their thirties Should be careful not to get too many calories. By setting the amount of starch and sugar each day to get energy not more than 1600 kcal per day. You should also be getting magnesium in moderation. because of magnesium helps to burn fat and transformed into energy Strengthens the blood vessels and heart and also control cholesterol level Prevents muscle spasms Men in their thirties should get 420 milligrams of magnesium each day, while women should get 320 grams of magnesium per day. You can find magnesium in foods such as sesame seeds, peanuts, corn, dairy products.
In addition to magnesium Another nutrient that is equally important is various vitamins. To help nourish the body, such as vitamin A obtained from liver, cod liver oil, egg yolk, yellow, red and green vegetables will help with eye care. B vitamins in brown rice that helps the endurance and strength of the body and vitamin C necessary for growth repair worn parts Maintain the health of teeth and gums and strengthens blood vessels, which can be eaten from green leafy vegetables, potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, guavas, strawberries, etc.
40 years old
Around the age of 40 is the period when the body begins to change more clearly, such as Skin becomes dry, cracked and has wrinkles. Nerves and teeth are contracted. and sensory buttons will begin to deteriorate The obvious symptom is that some of you may have a strong taste. or the ears are unable to hear And the metabolic system works slower, making it easier to get fat. So, in your 40s, it's time to focus on food more than ever. especially foods that contain antioxidants This antioxidant can reduce the risk of many diseases, especially chronic food-related diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, brain diseases (such as Alzheimer's), etc. It also helps to slow down a variety of diseases. too
Antioxidants include vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, beta-carotene, vitamin A, etc. Therefore, eating foods such as Various colorful fruits and vegetables Diversity is therefore essential. There are also foods like liver, fish, egg yolks, and whole grains that are rich sources of antioxidants.
50 years old
During this age, many You may have started thinking about retirement. and the body may begin to show some regression During this time the hormones will decrease. and the bones will begin to deteriorate Therefore, people in their 50s should get 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. Especially women who started to have menopause symptoms. Bones will deteriorate faster than normal. Therefore, eating fresh milk and green leafy vegetables are essential. There are also other elements For example, vitamin B12 is key to the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. and the formation of red blood cells For those over 50 years of age whose ability to absorb vitamin B12 Decrease, therefore, should focus on yeast, liver, eggs, meat, fish, oysters, animal offal.
When should you take supplements?
Supplements such as multivitamin tablets Become another option for those who do not have time. which these supplements are another option that helps many People are assured of getting enough nutrients each day. Before choosing a supplement, you should study how to eat and how much it is. And be sure to consult a medical professional before using it in case you already have a medical condition.