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JBL's L75ms wooden speakers are built for high definition
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Author:  kafa88 [ Tue Aug 03, 2021 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  JBL's L75ms wooden speakers are built for high definition


JBL may have a hi-fi system tuned for the growing world of hi-res music streaming. The เกมสล็อต newly released L75ms doesn't have a catchy name. It combines a sleek walnut cabinet with a high-end speaker system that includes a 32-bit/192kHz DAC and state-of-the-art streaming audio.

Although you can't use the built-in Bluetooth for lossless audio. But you can use Ethernet and other wired connections. to stream top-level audio This includes through AirPlay 2 and Chromecast.The company also offers a 90-day trial of Qobuz to help sell you the idea.

Regardless of the sound source, this could be a pretty good-sounding system. The L75ms includes a pair of 1-inch titanium dome tweeters with wave guides. The two 5.25" white cone woofers and 4" midrange drivers all have dedicated channels for tuning the amp and DSP.

They also sit on "multi-angle" baffles on top of the network. You'll find a 3.5mm input, a vinyl-friendly magnetic phono stage, and ARC-enabled HDMI to connect to your TV. You can also connect an external subwoofer if you want deep, separate bass.

Author:  puka22 [ Wed Aug 04, 2021 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: JBL's L75ms wooden speakers are built for high definitio

The wooden speaker L75ms from JBL is designed for high-resolution streaming. ... While you can't really use the built-in Bluetooth for lossless sound, you can use the Ethernet and other wired connections to stream top notch audio, including over AirPlay 2 and Chromecast

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