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Car wrecks pile up in Henan after flooding; death toll rises
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Author:  jacksonza [ Thu Jul 22, 2021 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Car wrecks pile up in Henan after flooding; death toll rises

as Chinese authorities rush to approve flood relief in Henan province As the water level in the area began to decline. until the remains of damage are clearly visible The death toll from heavy rain and flooding has risen to 33,
with dozens of cars piled up on the streets of Henan province. became a monument of tragedy After the flooded water level began to recede. As the villagers began to survey the damage of their own homes. The death toll has risen to at least 33 today. The meteorological agency expects more heavy rain in nearby areas.
heavy rain that hitHenan province, theIn about three hours ofhighest rainfall was more than the year-round amount inZhengzhou. The sewer was unable to drain the enormous water in time. causing rainwater mixed with mud to flood the road underpass tunnel and the subway system Hundreds of thousands of people were affected by this flood. does not include agricultural areas and severely damaged communication system
Local authorities are rushing to pump muddy water out of underground tunnels. while the electrical system is still unable to operate normally Including the warning that there will be more heavy rains to follow. This may cause mudslides and flooding in the surrounding area.
while in Anyang which is close to the city of Zhengzhou A heavy rain warning has been issued in the red level. More than 100 millimeters of rain fell in some areas and schools and businesses were closed. by working from home instead
China's Ministry of Finance allocated 100 million yuan of disaster relief funds, or about 507 million baht, to the central province of Henan. which has been damaged by heavy rain and severe flooding The said funds will be used for emergency rescue work. disaster relief including helping affected areas restore agricultural production and water conservation infrastructure. by the Henan Flood Control and Drought Mitigation Center More than 1.24 million people in 89 districts, cities and counties have been affected, said the heavy rain, and some 164,710 villagers have been evacuated to safe areas. While more than 460,000 hectares of agricultural crops were damaged, the economic damage is estimated at 2.75 billion baht.
China announced the flood emergency response to the second level. According to China's four-level emergency response system, the heavy rain has resulted in widespread death and property loss.
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