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Tips for smooth makeup Not afraid to smear the mask to worry
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Author:  Ginana [ Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Tips for smooth makeup Not afraid to smear the mask to worry

During the situation of the COVID-19 outbreak continues to be severe and do not know when will be able to return to normal life Therefore, we must try to adapt to live the situation as much as possible. especially living with wearing a hygienic mask all the time when going out And to increase confidence for all girls, we therefore bring tips to make your makeup smooth and not mess up the hygienic mask to share for you to follow.

1. Prepare the skin with a primer.
Preparing the skin with a primer It's like prolonging the time of makeup on the face for a long time. It does not fade and does not fade before time. which recommends to girls Apply the moisturizer properly. and then followed by a primer. Then continue with the usual foundation and loose powder. This just helps keep your face smooth and perfect all day long. No more messing up the hygienic mask.

2. Use a matte concealer.
Concealer is perfect for covering up blemishes. on the surface to be smooth especially when wearing a mask Use a matte concealer. Because it is quite dry and clinging to the skin. Help prevent concealer from smearing the mask itself.

3. Use a cream blush.
Using blush when you have to wear a mask. Should choose a cream blush. because it is long lasting Not easily messed up during the day, helping girls feel confident when they have to take off their masks while eating outside as well.

4. Highlight the eyes
When to wear a mask It is undeniable that the eyes become the highlight of the face, therefore, girls need to focus on making up the skin around the eyes to be beautiful. which highlight the eyes by using the Zimmer white eyeliner applied to the inner corner of the eye It will enhance the shimmer. Makes the face look more dimensional

5. Eyebrows must be perfect.
Once the eyes are highlighted, the girls' brows must be absolutely perfect. Remember that eyebrows are the crown of the face. Therefore, it must be decorated beautifully. There's no need to trim your eyebrows or paint your eyebrows according to other people's standards. Try to look mainly at your face to see which eyebrow shape suits you the most to express yourself and look natural.

6. Apply a matte lipstick.
Even wearing a hygienic mask will cover the lips until you can't see the color of the lipstick applied. But do not forget that every day there must be a period when you need to remove the mask, so girls have to choose lipstick that lasts all day and does not smudge easily. Whether it's a matte lipstick, tint, or lip stain.

7. Spray makeup lock
Make-up lock spray helps girls to be confident that makeup will not fall off the mask for sure. It also saves time for adding makeup during the day as well.

Do you see that even the girls have to live with wearing a mask every day Still keeping the makeup smooth and perfect to build self-confidence as before. Even if you can't reveal your face like the past, the girls are still beautiful at the same time. with safety and social responsibility as well

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Author:  yeotamara [ Wed Jul 28, 2021 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for smooth makeup Not afraid to smear the mask to w

They whisper in the night

Author:  idasanka [ Sat Jul 31, 2021 6:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Tips for smooth makeup Not afraid to smear the mask to w

I can set up my new idea from this post. It gives in depth information. Thanks for this valuable information for all,..

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