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Mandatory vaccinations for all health workers
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Author:  kafa88 [ Tue Jul 13, 2021 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Mandatory vaccinations for all health workers


All health workers in France must be vaccinated against COVID-19. in its entirety by September Otherwise, there may be a risk of not receiving the money, the government announced.

This requirement applies to doctors, nurses, office staff and volunteers.เว็บสล็อต xo

President Emmanuel Macron also said that from next month onwards A health insurance card must be presented to access places such as shops, bars, cinemas and long-distance train travel in France.

The pass indicates that the holder has been stabbed or has had a recent negative test.

“I know what I'm asking you. And I know you're ready for this commitment. This is part of your sense of duty,” the president said in a televised broadcast on Monday.

Mandatory vaccinations apply to anyone who has been in contact with susceptible individuals. Therefore, it applies to everyone who works in hospitals, clinics and nursing homes regardless of their role.

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