XR3 Festival should be the
สล็อต xo future of hybrid fairs.This summer, a lot of people are going to real places in the real world. I have visited a really memorable place. One in Virtual Reality: Museum of Other Realities, an app available on SteamVR that showcases immersive art and storytelling together until July 17.The XR3 Festival, a co-production between Cannes XR, Tribeca and NewImages, started a few weeks ago alongside Tribeca's self-titled film festival this year, but will resume this month.
A similar exhibit was featured on The Museum of Other Realities app last summer. But this year's offer is still new. The app is currently free, and the XR3 ticket is divided into three purchases of $15 add-ons. But it's an interesting art trip if you have a gaming PC and VR gear.I normally go to events in Tribeca myself before the 2020 pandemic, where I experience a one-on-one live installation involving VR and AR technology.
This year for the film festival But still, remotely ticketed VR experiences are another option to join. I love the idea -- allowing people with no money to travel. Or get exclusive access to Tribeca's elusive exhibits, the chance to put on a VR headset at home and see what these special pieces are like. Immersive art at home was the way I could get into. Join Cannes and Sundance without flying. I still like to go places. by myself in the future
But I want these virtual spaces to coexist as a permanent feature of the festival.Many short VR movies are animated. Some struggle with questions about race, identity and history. Running the app requires a VR compatible gaming PC running Steam or Viveport and a VR headset connected to an Oculus Quest or Quest 2 PC running using a USB-C cable to link it to the PC