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cause of insomnia These can cause malfunctions.
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Author:  Casey [ Wed Jul 07, 2021 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  cause of insomnia These can cause malfunctions.

Sleep is the time when the body is resting from the full day's activities. But for some people who have insomnia Not sleeping well, waking up, waking up, causing when waking up in the morning feeling not refreshed. Sometimes you may feel tired too. If you have frequent insomnia Until a chronic disease can affect many health conditions, including obesity, high blood pressure. and diabetes Anyone who is facing insomnia problems, in this article slot joker has good information about the causes of insomnia. That may cause you to have insomnia to read well.

What is a sleep disorder?
sleep disorders It is a condition that affects sleep. that has changed Sleep disorders can affect health, safety and quality of life, such as insufficient sleep. can affect driving. It also increases the risk of other health problems.

Signs and symptoms of sleep disorders including having sleepiness during the day Breathing disorders during sleep, including frequent changes in sleeping position There are different types of sleep disorders. But the most common types are:

Insomnia is a disorder that makes it difficult to sleep. or unable to sleep all night, having drowsiness
sleep apnea It is a symptom of respiratory disorders during sleep. cause some periods of cessation of breathing while sleeping
Narcolepsy Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder. causing drowsiness all the time and falling asleep at irregular intervals
cause of insomnia that may affect sleep quality
if you have trouble sleeping Sometimes it can be justified by the things we do or don't do. Or sometimes it might be something we do without realizing it. that what they do will affect our sleep, which cause of insomnia which we are going to mention these It may cause you to have sleep disturbances.

late night exercise
little exercise For example, taking your dog for a walk before bedtime is an activity that can be done without affecting sleep. but with intense exercise hard cardio 3 hours before bedtime can affect our sleep. Because while exercising, body temperature and heart rate increase. keeping the body awake Haven't entered rest mode yet. Therefore, it may slow down sleep.

drink alcohol before bed
Drinking alcohol in moderation can actually help you sleep better. But if the body gets too much alcohol, it can cause problems in sleeping. Because alcohol will affect the system of life's clock, for example, having to wake up to go to the bathroom during the night. Waking up late because of a hangover feeling inadequate sleep If the body receives a large amount of alcohol in every days, it can affect sleep in the long run.

Author:  insjorg [ Thu Jul 22, 2021 5:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cause of insomnia These can cause malfunctions.

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Author:  yeotamara [ Wed Jul 28, 2021 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cause of insomnia These can cause malfunctions.

Don't want to let you down

Author:  idasanka [ Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: cause of insomnia These can cause malfunctions.

Great! didnt know about this before, I had doubts but thanks for clarifying.

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