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Calculation issue.
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Author:  Ironic Life [ Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:43 am ]
Post subject:  Calculation issue.

Hey, Sword Kill11.

First, nice to meet you!
Second, I love your work, and if you need any kind of help, im willing to help you. I know allot about sites.

Third, I found a little calculation problem?
As you can see at the screenshot below, I Marked Watsreallife his name.
If you calculate his gained xp in a week to a average amount in days.
You need to seperate it by 7. You come at a amount of: 1.212.285 expierence a day.
But that would make him also in the top 50 best fishing xp gained in a day?
Why isnt he in it?

And if you think he could had a day really low, but to make the calculation riiiiighht... he would had a other day more expierence then the average number....


And if you need any more proof to know the showing xp that week isnt right, i've also made a screenshot of his top #10 profile xp gains.
Please view all the marked spots.


Thanks in advance.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Calculation issue.

Hi Ironic Life,

Good catch - you're right, he shouldn't have been on the weekly records table. Not exactly sure what caused him to get put on there as all the other records from that time period are legitimate, but I've now removed him from the weekly records.

Thanks for letting me know. :)

Author:  Ironic Life [ Wed Jun 30, 2010 4:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Calculation issue.

Thank you so much for the fast reply, if I can do anything in return. PM me anytime.

Author:  evultoad [ Thu Jul 01, 2010 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Calculation issue.

i believe this is a bug from when certian people first sign up, it takes their total exp in a skill and uses it as if it was gained that week

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