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to trade without indicators
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Author:  doaausef3li [ Sun May 16, 2021 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  to trade without indicators

Instead of being confused about what indicator is right, many traders decide to trade without indicators, aka naked trading.فتح حساب لتداول الفوركس
How is it applied to get maximum profit?
Technical indicators have undoubtedly become a favorite topic of conversation among forex traders. توصيات العملات على الجوال
Technical indicators can range from a simple EMA to a series of complex algorithms. It doesn't matter whether you are a scalper, day trader, or swing trader, technical indicators are an important component in trading activity.

Author:  Fiona [ Mon Sep 20, 2021 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: to trade without indicators

It seems to me that it is appropriate to consider various forex bots here. This is a great solution for individual investment. You can never track all transactions. But a forex bot can do it for you. You just need to set boundaries. It’s very simple.

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