Errr Ok wrote:
Similar problem as before - the daily personal records are working fine - but the recently gained levels has not updated for the last levels gained!
I gained both 79 theiving and 96 woodcutting on the 8th of December, yet it is still showing that the last level I gained was 75 construction on the 6th of December.
Sorry to be a pain

Sorry about that - unfortunately there was a Jagex highscore error on December 8, so the "Recent Gained Levels" chart could not be updated for that day. However, this only affected that day (and possibly December 11 for some), but no other days. Every level gain besides December 8th's should appear correctly on your Profile - for example, your most recent Woodcutting level (97) will appear on the chart as it should. And I suppose as you gain more levels, the missing December 8 levels on that one chart will essentially be irrelevant once the space they would have occupied is knocked below the most recent 10 levels anyway.

This was somewhat caused by Jagex's new policy of wiping the xp from some accounts that they suspected of cheating - which I hadn't fully considered (the system always assumed, logically, that xp could only go up, not down). However, it should all be solved now, but feel free to let me know of any other errors and I'll take care of them promptly.