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Visitation Mandatory in Louisiana
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Author:  usasmokingsale [ Thu Dec 19, 2019 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Visitation Mandatory in Louisiana

is Visitation Mandatory in Louisiana

It can often be strange that a parent of the child or children is required to exercise visitation and/or custody of a child against their will after divorce. However, a court typically orders custody and visitation as part of a specific plan that both parties must follow. Therefore, not picking up or exercising custody and/or visitation pursuant to the order of the court can technically mean that this might be considered contempt of court Wholesale Cigarettes Newport, but the real problem is that it can create problems for the other parent's schedule.

One of the reasons that a court might find you in contempt for failing to exercise visitation is that in a divorce or other family law situation where children are involved and there is a lot of acrimony and/or hostility between the parties, it can be the case that the children are used in order to further one's parent's interests. This means that it can be important for the court to protect the child and/or children in order to make sure that they are not being used in such a manner by either of the parents.

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