RuneTrack Forums

RDM or VMFS? Why?
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Author:  Adamkek [ Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:15 pm ]
Post subject:  RDM or VMFS? Why?

So... I now have a few OSes up and spinning on ESXi. While I came from a complete windows setup... we got all our DATA disks formatted in NTFS (all the OSes are on VMFS). I can access these through RDM but someone suggested to toss them into VMFses and VMDKs instead. What is your $0.02? Why do you do that?

Author:  Ger21 [ Fri Dec 20, 2019 6:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RDM or VMFS? Why?

The main reason would be to take advantage of all the things you can do under VMware with a VMFS file system. A simple example is taking a VMware snapshot of a guest with all of its disks. If your OS is VMfs tools and your data is an RDM, you can only snap the OS.

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