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How to Play Mississippi Stud and Win Real Money!
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Author:  w88thaiscom [ Wed Nov 13, 2019 4:47 pm ]
Post subject:  How to Play Mississippi Stud and Win Real Money!

Mississippi Stud is a modern Poker-based card game with an enormous fan-base and better odds comparing ww88 to many other Casino card games. The game is incredibly simple to learn. That's why it is a popular choice for beginners and players who are new to the world of Casino gambling. Despite its simplicity, don't trust those who say you'll master the game of Mississippi Stud Poker in five minutes or who promise to make you a winning pro with just one YouTube tutorial.

Mastering some of the technicalities of the game and the best strategy to win at Mississippi Stud Poker online takes time and dedication. That's why I decided to create this comprehensive guide to Mississippi Stud where you, as a beginner, can learn everything about this table game.

Play Games of Mississippi Stud Online


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Find all the games with the best payouts and use our winning strategy tips to beat the house w88 mobile .

From the strategy to the payouts, from the best games of Mississippi Stud Poker online to the bonuses you can (should?) use to play for free — this article has you covered.

While the game starts with only two cards per player, seasoned Mississippi Stud fans find it very entertaining to play.

Before diving into the ins and outs of the best strategy to play Mississippi Stud Poker, let's cover the basics and learn how to play this exciting Casino Poker game.

Did you know? Mississippi Stud has a theoretical house edge of 4.91 percent. However, it considers only your initial bet at the table. Taking into account three more bets you need to make to win, the practical house edge is as low as 1.37 percent - that beats Roulette, Slots, and many other Poker and card games.

Mississippi Stud Rules
At the start of a game of Mississippi Stud, each player places an 'Ante' bet to receive two cards each.

The cards are placed face down so the players can't see what they've been dealt. The cards will continue to remain hidden until the dealer puts down three more cards, again face down, on the table.

That's when the players need to decide whether they want to continue to play or if they want to fold and quit the hand.

But keep this in mind:

You will need to place three more wagers to complete a single round of Mississippi Stud Poker. And only when you do so, you can get your payout.

Once each player has seen their cards, they have the option to continue playing or fold and leave the hand.

If the player continues playing, they make a bet within the prime circle labelled as '3rd street'.

3rd street bets can match, double, or triple the value of the Ante wager made earlier poker online .

Once this is done, one of the community cards that has been placed on the table is revealed.

After all the players have seen the hidden cards, they have the option to fold and lose all the bets placed previously, or to continue playing and make one more bet.

Once again, the new bet can be equal to, double, or triple the original Ante bet, regardless of what bet was placed on "3rd street". This bet goes to the circle labelled ‘4th street’.

After the round of 4th street bets, the dealer reveals the second community card.

Now what?

Once all the players have seen the second community card, they again have the option to quit the game and lose all they have bet so far. OR to place another bet equal to, double or three times their original bet in the circle labelled as ‘5th street’.

At this point, you probably get the gist of it.

The game has now reached a point where the players cannot place any more bets, and the final hidden community card on the table is revealed to the players.

How to Win at Mississippi Stud: The Deciding Round

Winning Mississippi Stud: The Deciding Round
The player that has a set of five playing cards and at least a pair of 6s remain in the game.

This player will keep all the bets made throughout the game and will start another game by placing an initial bet.

Players left with Jacks or better will be at an advantage and will win at least even money on their bets.

When it comes to winning this game, there are quite a few Mississippi Stud tips that you can apply to your gameplay to boost your chances at success, which we'll be covering next.

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