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How fast can you move to hatch an Egg in Pokémon Go?
Thanks to some great testing by Silph Road, we now know that a speed of 10.5 kilometers per hour, or approximately 6.5 miles per hour will get you the maximum distance logged per minute. You can move slightly faster, but your logged results will be lower. Thanks to some help from Pythagoras, Silph Road determined that Pokémon Go logs your current location, and then a second location one minute later. It uses that information to draw a straight line from point A to point B and calculates the distance.
If you are walking in a small circle, you're not going to log very much distance. But, if you walk straight, you'll get the maximum benefit.
How fast is too fast (When does the driving alert pop up)?
You may have notice with the update to version 1.3 that players must confirm they are not driving a car when they reach a certain speed in Pokémon go. You'll get a pop up message that announces you are "going too fast" and asks you to confirm that you are a passenger.
If you reach 35 km/h or about 22 mph, you'll get the passenger pop up.
Meanwhile, it is suggested that a car will be of great help to avoid walking and hatching eggs faster. It must be noted that it is not safe to drive and play the game. Also, the game does not register the steps while driving. Thus, being in passenger seat may increase the count and help cover the distance needed to hatch Pokemon Go eggs. The trick it to drive slow that may register some steps and distance on the egg. The player must ensure that Pokemon Go keeps running, while the car moves slowly.
Here's how:
First step: place any 10 km Eggs into incubators. Keep track of their progress.
Second step: place any 5 km Eggs into incubators right when the 10 km Eggs are halfway completed. Keep track of their progress.
Third step: place any 2 km Eggs into incubators when the 10 and 5 km eEggs have reached 2 km remaining. Keep track of their progress
Fourth step: Set a Lucky Egg when you are within just a few meters of hatching your Eggs and then start walking.
Lucky Eggs double the amount of XP you earn, so hatching nine Pokémon Eggs at once would generate anywhere from 1,800 to 9,000 points (plus, more for new Pokémon bonuses) for your Trainer.