Hey, Sword Kill11.
First, nice to meet you!
Second, I love your work, and if you need any kind of help, im willing to help you. I know allot about sites.
Third, I found a little calculation problem?
As you can see at the screenshot below, I Marked Watsreallife his name.
If you calculate his gained xp in a week to a average amount in days.
You need to seperate it by 7. You come at a amount of: 1.212.285 expierence a day.
But that would make him also in the top 50 best fishing xp gained in a day?
Why isnt he in it?And if you think he could had a day really low, but to make the calculation riiiiighht... he would had a other day more expierence then the average number....

And if you need any more proof to know the showing xp that week isnt right, i've also made a screenshot of his top #10 profile xp gains.
Please view all the marked spots.
Thanks in advance.