Condor spread A compound option strategy that consists of either
four same-type options with a common expiration date—two long
options with consecutive strike prices, one short option with an
immediately lower strike price, and one short option with an
immediately higher strike price; or four same-type options with a
common expiration date—two short options with consecutive strike
prices, one long option with an immediately lower strike price, and
one long option with an immediately higher strike price.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) An economic indicator that gauges the
average change in retail prices for a fixed market basket of goods
and services.
شركات التداول الموثوقةConsumer sentiment A survey of households designed to gauge the
individual propensity for spending. There are two studies conducted
in this area, one survey by the University of Michigan, and the other
by the National Family Opinion for the Conference Board. The
confidence index measured by the Conference Board is sensitive to
the job market, whereas the index generated by the University of
Michigan is not.
Continuation patterns Technical signals that reinforce the current trends.
Cost of carry The interest rate parity, whereby the forward price is
determined by the cost of borrowing money in order to hold the
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