Just a few years
Nike Air Force 1 Damen ago there was no common understanding of the concept of Opportunity Youth in Greater Austin, Texas. That changed in the last
Nike Air Max Zero Damenfour years with the term now being widely used and a recently established community mandate for a focus on this type of work.
Nike Air Max Command Womens At the Aspen Institute Forum for Community Solutions Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund, we work with 24 community collaborations across the U.S. that are focused on building and deepening education and employment pathways for opportunity youth – 16- to 24-year-olds in the U.S. who are neither in work or school. Our report, Shift Happens: The Opportunity Youth Incentive Fund
Nike Air Max 1 Damen Accelerates Systems Change, looks at examples of opportunity youth collaboratives from around the country
Nike Air Max 90 Womens that have been removing barriers and improving systems to serve young adults and help them succeed.So how did this
Nike Air Presto Damen accelerated systems change happen? Here are the intentional measures collaboratives have taken to spur drastic progress:Encouraging
Nike Dunk Sky High Mujer communities to focus on both youth outcomes and systems change. While OYIF collaboratives are working to implement strategies
Nike Blazer Mujer to meet the immediate needs of opportunity youth, at the same time there is an emphasis on systems change through working with
Nike Air Max 1 Femme different sectors of the community so that effective policy changes can be sustained.Providing an initiative backbone with multi-year support. OYIF grants were awarded to backbone organizations leading community collaboratives focused on building and deepening education and employment pathways for opportunity youth.Intentionally involving young people as
Nike Air Max 1 Hombre partners in the work. As a condition of OYIF funding, collaboratives agreed to include youth in decision-making processes.
Nike Air Max 90 Damen Youth voice permeates the collaboratives’ approaches and the OYIF learning community’s work overall.