It's not stretching the truth to say that Real Madrid's Gareth Bale is utterly
SBOBET crestfallen after suffering yet another injury. It comes at the worst possible moment, just as he was getting himself in shape for the Madrid derby with two weeks of preparation.Recovered from his previous mishap on the soleus, all the signs were positive that Zinedine Zidane would finally be able to call upon his flying winger again. The injury not only
SBOBET slows down his progression, but also jeopardises some of the medium-term objectives of the club, such as the Club
World Cup, which takes place in the middle of next December. One month to recover from this type of problem will be too tight a time frame.A little over a year ago, he seriously injured his left ankle during a Sporting-Real Madrid Champions League game and ever since, the physical problems have come thick and fast. For a player who hoped to leave his bad luck behind him once and for all, to succumb once again is the cruellest possible blow.