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Author:  Elven Fyre [ Wed Aug 22, 2012 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  suggestions

1. On the recently levelled up section, it would be awesome if it listed 99+ gained levels also, like 104 cooking etc etc. As alot of players dont train skills below 99 anymore. It would stop this section of the site becoming useless for alot of players.

2. Not sure how it works but it would be awesome if the top daily hiscores could capture throughout the day so we can watch the race to most exp earned that day.

Apologies if these have already been brought up.

Author:  Remi [ Thu Dec 20, 2012 10:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: suggestions

I agree with the 2nd one, it's annoying thinking you've done enough XP for the day to get #1 XP gain and then out of the blue on that same day someone played 20 hours and used 100 effigys and you get 2nd =[

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