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partner an attempt to distract from his crimes
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Author:  alisawhite123 [ Fri Oct 04, 2019 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  partner an attempt to distract from his crimes

A social media user known as Zakat Faiz brought an unseemly Online Cigarettes Store USA light onto himself in late September after his (now deleted) Twitter and Facebook posts began to make the rounds on social media.
Many were appalled that someone complaining about the cost of travel (almost 50 euros a day, he cried) would take it upon themselves to still make the trip, and have their family endure unsafe and uncomfortable conditions while in foreign lands.
For the record, he claims his comments were taken out of context, but you can peep his posts in fill above, courtesy of pnews.Well, one social media user recognized the man in the photos and took to her Facebook to reveal appalling allegations and police reports made against Zakat Faiz.
Sha Ramson Abdullah alleges that our budget traveling troubadour
Cheap Newport Cigarettes Online Sale is not just the level of cheapskate who would have his baby sleep rough in the park, but he’s also a man with no less than seven police reports lodged against him, including attempted rape accusations.The woman writes that the suspect, who she refers to as ustaz (religious teacher), initially begged her to not file an attempted rape report herself, saying that his parents were ill and that the matter would cause great stress for them. She writes that she felt sorry for him, and obliged.

However, she was not his only, nor his first alleged victim, and before his attack, he was accused of sexually assaulting another woman. His previous victim filed a police report against him; however, there is no indication what, if any, police action was taken on the matter.

Sha Ramson details that one of his victims was a woman whose husband was Newport 100s Box
in Mecca doing umrah (like a mini-Hajj) when the suspect tried to “persuade” the woman to sleep with him. When her husband returned from abroad, a police report was filed against him.

She claims that in July 2017, a musyawarah on the matter was held. While she makes no clarification of the parties involved, the term implies a council-ish meeting usually involving community stakeholders.

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