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How Fashion is Updating Power Dressing for 2017
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Author:  Kevin [ Thu Feb 23, 2017 2:18 am ]
Post subject:  How Fashion is Updating Power Dressing for 2017

In the late 1970s and early ’80s, business-minded women began dressing—if not for power, then simply to fit in. They were joining a boys’ club, and if they wanted to be taken seriously, adidas tubular femme they had to assume the uniform—which is to say, a slightly below-the-knee skirt suit, preferably in gray or dark blue, with a white blouse, a scarf tie, sensible pumps, and skin-toned pantyhose.

Anything else at work is unthinkable, proclaimed John T. Molloy in his best-selling 1977 manual, The Woman’s Dress for Success Book. Having spent years conducting scientific research, adidas equipment 93 the image guru also counseled women to avoid platform shoes, peasant dresses, floral patterns, and sweaters.They give out nothing but negative impulses, he stated of the latter.They say ‘lower middle class’ and ‘loser.’?

But as women made strides in the corporate world, so did their wardrobes. Donna Karan, who at that time was working as the head designer at Anne Klein, noticed that all the women around her looked like office drones, adidas original eqt 93 and she wondered, 'Where is the sensuality?' Aside from Giorgio Armani, who had started cutting suits with freer, more-fluid lines, few designers were considering the working girl’s feminine side.

My whole thing was having a woman feel like a woman, says Karan, who launched her own line in 1985, adidas stan smith providing on-the-go gals with soft-shouldered jackets, cashmere knits, skirts that wrapped like a ballerina’s, and stretchy bodysuits with her signature cold shoulder cutouts ,Take off the jacket and you were ready for a night on the town.

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