RuneTrack Forums

I need someone smarter than me...
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Author:  Darc Lorment [ Fri Mar 25, 2011 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  I need someone smarter than me...

I recently place 1st on March 22nd in woodcutting. I want to know how to get a picture of that table to post on a different forum. I want the table that shows me in 1st along with the other top 20 for March 22nd, 2011.

Anyone who helps gets a hug and a snickers bar :mrgreen:

Author:  TheLunarFrog [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 12:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: I need someone smarter than me...

Here you go: ... oodcutting

How you get here:

1) Go to the front page where you see the daily high scores for XP gains.
2) Click on the skill picture (in this case, woodcutting).
3) See the date at the top? It'll automatically be yesterday (if following this guide).
4) Change the date. Then, click view and you're set.

Hope this helped.

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