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drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!
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Author:  ty mr green [ Wed Jul 14, 2010 11:03 am ]
Post subject:  drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

Well it was always going to happen who thought it would be drumgum though lol i thought toony001 had it covered but drumgum is officially the first to hit 200mil in summoning. Worth the effort? or a complete waste of cash?


Author:  DutchStarz [ Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

Well, could be a waste, but he is ranked 1 :)

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

More than being just the first to reach 200M summoning xp, he had some unprecedented xp gains as well that RuneScape hasn't seen before as well:
On the week of Jul 4 - Jul 11, 2010, he gained 191M overall xp (142M of that was summoning):

His progress chart also puts his xp gains in an impressive perspective: ... =summoning

Author:  Da Crusher [ Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

Well other then the glory of it. i say its a complete waste of cash.. and imagine the time he took to get all those charms....

Author:  DutchStarz [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

i have a question for sword: he gained like 46m strength xp in one day, i think this could be a bug because the nr 2 in top gains has only 6m strength xp.

Author:  Sword Kill11 [ Thu Jul 29, 2010 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

DutchStarz wrote:
i have a question for sword: he gained like 46m strength xp in one day, i think this could be a bug because the nr 2 in top gains has only 6m strength xp.

It's not a bug. He used some method of just storing xp (like Pest Control):

Author:  DutchStarz [ Thu Aug 19, 2010 4:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

Sword Kill11 wrote:
DutchStarz wrote:
i have a question for sword: he gained like 46m strength xp in one day, i think this could be a bug because the nr 2 in top gains has only 6m strength xp.

It's not a bug. He used some method of just storing xp (like Pest Control):

Late answer lol, but yeah you're right didn't think of that actually. (Drumgun is crazy :O)


Author:  ty mr green [ Tue Aug 24, 2010 9:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

The maximum number of Pest point one can have is 250 and that would best be used 100 at a time yeilding 56k per 100 points for somone with 99 str. it would be impossible to gather enough points for 1mil xp let alone 40 odd :P

Must be zeal saved from soul wars, players can store a maximum of 50k zeals =O at lvl 99 str you get 8400 xp per zeal....

4k X 50k =O 420 mil of potential xpeeeesss! thats max in 2 cb skills :O

Soul wars was definitely the reason, 5k zeal would be close to enough i reckon


Author:  Da Crusher [ Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: drumgum-sum-200mil xp OMFG!

ty mr green wrote:
The maximum number of Pest point one can have is 250 and that would best be used 100 at a time yeilding 56k per 100 points for somone with 99 str. it would be impossible to gather enough points for 1mil xp let alone 40 odd :P

Must be zeal saved from soul wars, players can store a maximum of 50k zeals =O at lvl 99 str you get 8400 xp per zeal....

4k X 50k =O 420 mil of potential xpeeeesss! thats max in 2 cb skills :O

Soul wars was definitely the reason, 5k zeal would be close to enough i reckon


wow O.O


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