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How to do "bad breath" even though I just brush my teeth
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Author:  Casey [ Thu Jun 24, 2021 3:45 am ]
Post subject:  How to do "bad breath" even though I just brush my teeth

It's not another issue that should be overlooked with "bad breath", even though you just brushed your teeth or didn't eat anything that smells. Maybe a warning sign oral health

Bad breath is no joke. It's not something that should be overlooked. Have you ever noticed yourself? even though we just finished brushing our teeth But it does not help reduce the smell in the mouth as it should, or maybe not eat anything. come back bad breath Of course, leaving it unattended. May lead to oral health problems and some may be a warning sign of oral health It can also cause you to lose the confidence to talk.

cause of bad breath
There are food scraps stuck in the teeth. not completely cleaned
Tooth decay, including plaque and tartar that surrounds the teeth which is a reservoir and a collection of various germs
Some foods when eaten will smell excreted through the breath such as onions, garlic, durian.
drink alcohol regularly
Smoke regularly, including patients with certain physical diseases such as tonsillitis Chronic sinusitis, tuberculosis, lung disease and gastrointestinal diseases
sleep time fasting
not drinking enough water
hot weather
mental state

Why is it that when I wake up, I have a strong bad breath???
Answer: Because while sleeping, saliva is excreted less, causing less saliva circulation. Residual food residues accumulated, thus spoiling. caused a rather strong bad breath Just like the bad breath that occurs while traveling by plane.

Occupations that are at risk of having a very bad breath???
Answer: Professions that use a lot of voice, such as teachers, lawyers, lecturers, result in less saliva. and have bad breath A foul odor from the mouth sometimes arises from the innermost base of the tongue. Therefore, drinking water will help reduce bad breath well.

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