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Author:  kristiana_li [ Sun Jun 20, 2021 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  #BorderlandsMovie

On June 19, the last day of filming for the Borderlands adaptation came to an end.
The performer of the role of Tina posted a photo showing the fireworks. It can be assumed that it symbolizes the end of filming. Now the team will face the post-production process, which includes audio mixing, video editing and other technical features of production.
In addition to Lee Curtis and Greenblatt, Black Jack, Kevin Hart, Hayley Bennett and professional boxer Florian Munteanu took part in the film. The film was directed by Eli Roth, known for his work on Piranha 3D. The screenplay was written by HBO's Chernobyl creator Craig Mazin. At the time of publication, the start date of Borderlands rental is unknown.

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