RuneTrack Forums

belt question
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Author:  Alison [ Wed Jul 08, 2020 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  belt question

Hi guys! May I ask you if you think a belt is a good gift for a guy? I want to know if guys nowadays like to be given a belt as a gift. My bf's birthday is coming and I want to give him something personal. I am considering getting him a Gucci belt. But I am a student and don't have the fund for a legit Gucci belt. But I found this Dhana's knock off Gucci belt review and the faux belt looks pretty decent at a cheaper and affordable price. Do you think I should give him a faux Gucci belt? Need your opinion.

Author:  looneyhans [ Fri May 14, 2021 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: belt question

great that i found this forum. People here are great. Learned alot. Keep posting more

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