Chrislorious wrote:
Yes, this is definitely what I wanted. I'm having issues getting it to work. It may be because I'm using and I don't really have great access to the resources on there but I was able to get the pictures and everything to load up on the non-updating chart after messing with it for ages. I can't seem to get anything to even show up here where I am placing the HTML code box. What about the ExpressInstall.swf? Is that a file I should have in there somewhere?
ExpressInstall.swf isn't a necessary file. However, I think I figured out the issue - the above code snippet will only work for pages on the domain (which is why it worked in my testing). However, you can make it work on an external domain by doing the following:
Create a file called
chart.php with the contents:
echo file_get_contents("");
Remove the old code on your display page, and instead use this code to display your chart:
<script type="text/javascript" src="swfobject.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
"open-flash-chart.swf", "progress_chart",
"750", "300", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf",
{"data-file":"chart.php"} );
<div id="progress_chart"></div>
That should do the trick.
Few things to check if it doesn't:
-chart.php and swfobject.js must be uploaded in ASCII mode
-open-flash-chart.swf must be uploaded in Binary mode
-All files must reside in the same directory