In the past week, President Donald Trump hosted an indoor
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But by Friday, it was impossible to fully ignore the fact that the pandemic the White House
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The rising numbers in Texas, Florida and Arizona made that clear, as well as the reality that those are all states where the president and his Republican allies had urged people to return to normal.
In a reflection of a growing sense of anxiety over the new numbers, Vice President Mike Pence and members of the coronavirus task force held a public briefing for the first time in two months. But ever loyal to Trump’s desire for good news, Pence tried to tiptoe around the statistics that Dr. Deborah L. Birx, the task force coordinator, pointed to, showing surging cases and
Cheap Newport 100s cigarettes hospitalizations in Florida, Texas, Arizona and other states. “We have made a truly remarkable progress in moving our nation forward, ” the vice president said. “We’ve all seen the encouraging news as we open up, ” he added, dismissing any suggestion that the outbreaks across the South should prompt a return to the shutdowns that Trump so badly wants to be over. “The reality is we’re in a much better place. ”
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