If you look like a nerd as I did before, I strongly recommend you to throw your wardrobe away. You need to update your wardrobe from scratch. Besides, you can't shop for your clothes from the high-street store ever again. Whenever you feel like buying new clothes, go to the designer houses for a spin before you even try any styles on yourself. These luxury designer houses are the trendsetters in this field and you can never go fashionably wrong under their guidance. If you can't afford them which is totally normal, there is a more financially reasonable way around this. Based on what I read in
Dhana's post about replica Hermes bags, there are mirror-image quality replicas in the market that can be easily mistaken for the legit products. Trust me, when you dress in these high-quality designer clothes and accessories, people around you will take you more seriously and as a result, you will feel better about yourself and become more confident.