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Forum: Bugs/Issues Topic: name change not recognized |
battowRaifow |
Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:51 pm
Replies: 1 Views: 1159
i changed my rsn today, and went to update my runetrack like i do every month. then i run into this: Inglourified ==> Flshstlcks Error: This name change has failed for one of the following reasons: i'm on the high scores, and my old profile should definitely match up to my new name, so i dunno what'... |
Forum: RuneTrack News & Announcements Topic: [November 2, 2009] Name Changing Feature and Other Updates |
battowRaifow |
Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:17 am
Replies: 74 Views: 79629
Cool. Thanks a lot, man. My entire clan uses your site so it sucked that I couldn't show off my Agility to all the new members :p But that's changed. Which is awesome. Much obliged. -battleRifle. EDIT: Quick question, could you put my original name (Longsword57) on my profile as well? Some people mi... |
Forum: RuneTrack News & Announcements Topic: [November 2, 2009] Name Changing Feature and Other Updates |
battowRaifow |
Posted: Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:06 pm
Replies: 74 Views: 79629
Hi, the database won't let me change my display name - I used to be Longsword57 and had 2 "top agility gained in a day" records, so I want them transferred to my new display name. After Longsword57, I renamed myself to detroitNINE (the database shows me as 'detriotnine' - note the misspell... |
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