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Snow Potato

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Snow Potato's profile was created on May 5, 2014, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 745 2.21 5,260,996 5,216 15.472 36,826,975 22,355 66.308 157,829,895
Attack Attack 1,466 0.118 102,990 10,265 0.826 720,933 43,991 3.538 3,089,712
Defence Defence 1,450 0.118 337,423 10,150 0.826 2,361,964 43,500 3.538 10,122,704
Strength Strength 1,430 0.118 68,434 10,012 0.826 479,036 42,909 3.538 2,053,012
Constitution Constitution 1,455 0.108 341,837 10,187 0.754 2,392,861 43,657 3.231 10,255,117
Ranged Ranged 1,246 0.118 332,224 8,722 0.826 2,325,565 37,379 3.538 9,966,707
Prayer Prayer 764 0.082 330,285 5,349 0.574 2,311,992 22,924 2.462 9,908,537
Magic Magic 762 0.053 332,542 5,336 0.371 2,327,796 22,867 1.59 9,976,270
Cooking Cooking 533 0.041 281,797 3,731 0.287 1,972,578 15,989 1.231 8,453,904
Woodcutting Woodcutting 936 0.063 35,544 6,552 0.443 248,805 28,080 1.897 1,066,309
Fletching Fletching 795 0.08 338,610 5,563 0.562 2,370,272 23,840 2.41 10,158,307
Fishing Fishing 808 0.067 80,054 5,653 0.467 560,378 24,227 2 2,401,622
Firemaking Firemaking 506 0.043 323,204 3,539 0.299 2,262,429 15,167 1.282 9,696,124
Crafting Crafting 547 0.063 65,249 3,831 0.443 456,745 16,418 1.897 1,957,480
Smithing Smithing 697 0.075 94,229 4,877 0.526 659,604 20,901 2.256 2,826,875
Mining Mining 654 0.062 188,207 4,575 0.431 1,317,451 19,606 1.846 5,646,220
Herblore Herblore 471 0.07 325,217 3,300 0.491 2,276,518 14,144 2.103 9,756,504
Agility Agility 698 0.089 206,064 4,888 0.622 1,442,449 20,947 2.667 6,181,924
Thieving Thieving 778 0.096 324,823 5,444 0.67 2,273,762 23,330 2.872 9,744,696
Slayer Slayer 851 0.118 45,808 5,959 0.826 320,653 25,538 3.538 1,374,227
Farming Farming 293 0.053 157,037 2,053 0.371 1,099,262 8,798 1.59 4,711,125
Runecraft Runecraft 830 0.103 86,877 5,808 0.718 608,142 24,891 3.077 2,606,323
Hunter Hunter 619 0.087 41,246 4,330 0.61 288,722 18,557 2.615 1,237,378
Construction Construction 487 0.074 54,688 3,411 0.515 382,819 14,617 2.205 1,640,651
Summoning Summoning 706 0.116 327,066 4,944 0.814 2,289,464 21,187 3.487 9,811,989
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 305 0.079 327,259 2,135 0.55 2,290,811 9,151 2.359 9,817,760
Divination Divination 396 0.118 112,281 2,769 0.826 785,964 11,866 3.538 3,368,419
Invention Invention 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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