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Loco Gustavo

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Loco Gustavo's profile was created on February 16, 2014, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 9 0.502 200,717 66 3.513 1,405,022 282 15.055 6,021,522
Attack Attack -107 0 44 -746 0 309 -3,196 0 1,325
Defence Defence -117 0 39 -820 0 276 -3,513 0 1,181
Strength Strength -68 0.012 5,644 -479 0.085 39,506 -2,052 0.365 169,309
Constitution Constitution -53 0.011 10,162 -368 0.077 71,131 -1,579 0.328 304,849
Ranged Ranged -23 0.012 11,347 -158 0.085 79,432 -676 0.365 340,424
Prayer Prayer -58 0 732 -404 0 5,126 -1,731 0 21,968
Magic Magic -124 0.005 3,497 -868 0.034 24,477 -3,719 0.146 104,900
Cooking Cooking -74 0.011 6,839 -519 0.077 47,872 -2,224 0.328 205,164
Woodcutting Woodcutting 53 0.009 10,333 368 0.06 72,329 1,579 0.255 309,979
Fletching Fletching 47 0.026 10,914 331 0.179 76,400 1,421 0.765 327,429
Fishing Fishing 52 0.023 6,664 367 0.162 46,645 1,575 0.693 199,909
Firemaking Firemaking 72 0.019 13,816 507 0.136 96,709 2,173 0.583 414,466
Crafting Crafting 19 0.026 12,007 134 0.179 84,050 574 0.765 360,214
Smithing Smithing 25 0.027 14,214 172 0.187 99,500 738 0.802 426,428
Mining Mining -60 0.01 3,904 -422 0.068 27,331 -1,809 0.292 117,134
Herblore Herblore -57 0.026 7,641 -402 0.179 53,487 -1,724 0.765 229,232
Agility Agility 98 0.035 10,801 688 0.247 75,610 2,950 1.057 324,044
Thieving Thieving 29 0.028 8,193 203 0.196 57,354 872 0.838 245,804
Slayer Slayer -34 0.021 6,257 -237 0.145 43,800 -1,014 0.62 187,716
Farming Farming -23 0.019 9,461 -162 0.136 66,228 -692 0.583 283,836
Runecraft Runecraft 13 0.022 5,640 91 0.153 39,481 391 0.656 169,205
Hunter Hunter 60 0.029 15,424 423 0.204 107,968 1,811 0.875 462,721
Construction Construction -19 0.017 8,294 -136 0.119 58,057 -585 0.51 248,816
Summoning Summoning 29 0.033 7,433 203 0.23 52,034 869 0.984 223,001
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering -60 0.006 4,084 -421 0.043 28,585 -1,804 0.182 122,506
Divination Divination -76 0.017 4,941 -534 0.119 34,589 -2,290 0.51 148,239
Invention Invention 2,260 0.061 2,391 15,822 0.425 16,735 67,809 1.823 71,721

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