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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Lightsnmagic's profile was created on July 10, 2016, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Smithing
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Smithing
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Smithing
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 97 0.347 74,623 679 2.431 522,360 2,908 10.417 2,238,685
Attack Attack 84 0.002 542 589 0.014 3,796 2,523 0.06 16,269
Defence Defence 12 0.006 2,251 85 0.042 15,757 366 0.179 67,528
Strength Strength 272 0.014 3,521 1,903 0.097 24,646 8,155 0.417 105,627
Constitution Constitution 96 0.006 3,581 671 0.042 25,069 2,878 0.179 107,440
Ranged Ranged 42 0.006 737 293 0.042 5,161 1,255 0.179 22,120
Prayer Prayer 110 0.03 10,310 770 0.208 72,172 3,301 0.893 309,307
Magic Magic 167 0.014 12,139 1,171 0.097 84,975 5,019 0.417 364,180
Cooking Cooking 224 0.016 2,360 1,566 0.111 16,518 6,711 0.476 70,792
Woodcutting Woodcutting 184 0.008 1,379 1,289 0.056 9,655 5,524 0.238 41,379
Fletching Fletching 212 0.016 2,290 1,481 0.111 16,027 6,348 0.476 68,686
Fishing Fishing 233 0.016 2,394 1,634 0.111 16,755 7,001 0.476 71,808
Firemaking Firemaking 42 0.004 884 295 0.028 6,189 1,264 0.119 26,526
Crafting Crafting 57 0.01 1,669 402 0.069 11,684 1,723 0.298 50,074
Smithing Smithing 49 0.01 2,490 344 0.069 17,430 1,473 0.298 74,699
Mining Mining 42 0.008 1,715 293 0.056 12,007 1,257 0.238 51,460
Herblore Herblore 84 0.02 4,925 591 0.139 34,472 2,533 0.595 147,736
Agility Agility 60 0.01 1,744 422 0.069 12,208 1,807 0.298 52,318
Thieving Thieving 50 0.012 1,619 352 0.083 11,333 1,507 0.357 48,569
Slayer Slayer 37 0.01 3,986 261 0.069 27,902 1,119 0.298 119,582
Farming Farming 143 0.022 2,301 999 0.153 16,109 4,280 0.655 69,038
Runecraft Runecraft 131 0.02 2,385 919 0.139 16,693 3,937 0.595 71,541
Hunter Hunter 30 0.008 1,310 209 0.056 9,170 895 0.238 39,300
Construction Construction 57 0.01 2,289 398 0.069 16,021 1,707 0.298 68,663
Summoning Summoning 12 0.006 861 87 0.042 6,024 372 0.179 25,819
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 60 0.01 1,695 417 0.069 11,864 1,789 0.298 50,847
Divination Divination 75 0.022 3,136 522 0.153 21,955 2,239 0.655 94,095
Invention Invention 3,628 0.036 109 25,394 0.25 766 108,833 1.071 3,284

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