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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Faerylass's profile was created on November 18, 2013, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Ranged
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Ranged
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Ranged
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -2 0.221 311,401 -16 1.549 2,179,804 -69 6.64 9,342,016
Attack Attack 15 0.009 7,275 102 0.061 50,923 436 0.26 218,240
Defence Defence -6 0.006 6,591 -45 0.045 46,134 -193 0.195 197,716
Strength Strength 22 0.008 7,271 155 0.056 50,900 666 0.238 218,142
Constitution Constitution -8 0.006 8,983 -54 0.045 62,882 -232 0.195 269,494
Ranged Ranged -26 0.008 6,654 -183 0.056 46,575 -783 0.238 199,605
Prayer Prayer 48 0.005 7,902 334 0.035 55,311 1,433 0.151 237,045
Magic Magic 5 0.005 5,974 36 0.035 41,820 156 0.151 179,229
Cooking Cooking 33 0 5,988 230 0 41,918 986 0 179,649
Woodcutting Woodcutting 38 0.001 6,046 266 0.01 42,322 1,141 0.043 181,382
Fletching Fletching 47 0.005 6,544 326 0.035 45,808 1,399 0.151 196,318
Fishing Fishing 31 0.002 29,370 217 0.015 205,593 930 0.065 881,112
Firemaking Firemaking -14 0 2,333 -98 0 16,333 -420 0 69,997
Crafting Crafting 18 0.004 10,987 127 0.03 76,912 544 0.13 329,625
Smithing Smithing 1 0.004 6,449 5 0.03 45,144 21 0.13 193,473
Mining Mining 4 0.005 9,967 29 0.035 69,770 122 0.151 299,016
Herblore Herblore 32 0.006 8,752 227 0.045 61,262 974 0.195 262,550
Agility Agility -2 0.004 5,924 -14 0.03 41,469 -58 0.13 177,724
Thieving Thieving -2 0.001 9,322 -13 0.01 65,251 -56 0.043 279,649
Slayer Slayer -3 0.009 11,552 -20 0.061 80,861 -86 0.26 346,546
Farming Farming 2 0.009 8,473 15 0.061 59,312 65 0.26 254,194
Runecraft Runecraft -7 0 2,532 -48 0 17,721 -207 0 75,948
Hunter Hunter 4 0.004 6,895 26 0.03 48,263 110 0.13 206,841
Construction Construction 10 0.005 9,839 72 0.035 68,875 310 0.151 295,177
Summoning Summoning 39 0.009 10,761 273 0.061 75,326 1,170 0.26 322,828
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 22 0.02 66,773 155 0.141 467,411 663 0.606 2,003,189
Divination Divination -5 0.009 10,578 -37 0.066 74,046 -157 0.281 317,339
Invention Invention 1,402 0.075 31,666 9,816 0.525 221,664 42,067 2.249 949,989

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