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Princess Rae

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Princess Rae's profile was created on February 9, 2010, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -1 0.182 256,567 -9 1.276 1,795,972 -36 5.468 7,697,025
Attack Attack -7 0 2,015 -46 0 14,105 -199 0 60,448
Defence Defence -13 0 2,026 -92 0 14,179 -396 0 60,766
Strength Strength -6 0 1,927 -42 0 13,490 -180 0 57,816
Constitution Constitution -14 0 3,745 -95 0 26,216 -409 0 112,355
Ranged Ranged 10 0.003 5,022 71 0.018 35,151 302 0.075 150,649
Prayer Prayer 2 0.002 4,642 14 0.016 32,492 61 0.067 139,250
Magic Magic 32 0.004 6,212 222 0.027 43,484 952 0.117 186,360
Cooking Cooking 26 0.001 5,723 182 0.008 40,059 781 0.033 171,681
Woodcutting Woodcutting 16 0.001 5,952 115 0.008 41,665 491 0.033 178,565
Fletching Fletching 84 0.005 6,405 590 0.035 44,832 2,529 0.151 192,138
Fishing Fishing 8 0.002 9,216 53 0.016 64,511 226 0.067 276,477
Firemaking Firemaking 20 0.004 7,576 139 0.029 53,031 595 0.125 227,277
Crafting Crafting 5 0.004 9,442 32 0.025 66,095 136 0.109 283,263
Smithing Smithing 9 0.005 16,974 63 0.037 118,817 271 0.159 509,216
Mining Mining 2 0.002 30,513 13 0.014 213,594 56 0.059 915,402
Herblore Herblore 1 0.005 5,510 8 0.035 38,570 33 0.151 165,300
Agility Agility 7 0.006 10,433 51 0.045 73,031 217 0.192 312,992
Thieving Thieving 16 0.008 13,882 110 0.053 97,171 473 0.226 416,449
Slayer Slayer 19 0.009 9,278 136 0.06 64,947 582 0.259 278,342
Farming Farming 0 0.003 8,613 1 0.018 60,293 4 0.075 258,397
Runecraft Runecraft 11 0.008 6,801 80 0.055 47,607 342 0.234 204,029
Hunter Hunter 18 0.006 8,735 123 0.043 61,145 526 0.184 262,050
Construction Construction 4 0.006 9,102 31 0.041 63,712 135 0.176 273,049
Summoning Summoning 11 0.006 6,748 78 0.043 47,239 336 0.184 202,454
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 553 0.034 34,534 3,869 0.236 241,737 16,581 1.012 1,036,016
Divination Divination 553 0.028 6,510 3,873 0.195 45,572 16,600 0.836 195,307
Invention Invention 546 0.032 19,033 3,825 0.226 133,228 16,392 0.97 570,977

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