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Dylan Of Mon

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Dylan Of Mon's profile was created on June 19, 2011, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Overall
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Overall
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 19 0.3 143,893 136 2.103 1,007,252 581 9.015 4,316,795
Attack Attack 27 0.004 3,481 187 0.03 24,369 803 0.127 104,439
Defence Defence -7 0.004 3,494 -49 0.025 24,456 -211 0.109 104,810
Strength Strength 28 0.002 2,289 196 0.013 16,023 839 0.054 68,671
Constitution Constitution 24 0.003 3,173 168 0.021 22,210 720 0.091 95,185
Ranged Ranged 257 0.013 6,279 1,797 0.089 43,956 7,703 0.381 188,382
Prayer Prayer 34 0.005 6,675 238 0.038 46,724 1,020 0.163 200,245
Magic Magic 121 0.008 4,734 846 0.055 33,139 3,625 0.236 142,024
Cooking Cooking 102 0.009 6,073 715 0.063 42,509 3,064 0.272 182,179
Woodcutting Woodcutting 258 0.01 5,733 1,809 0.068 40,132 7,755 0.29 171,994
Fletching Fletching 172 0.01 5,396 1,204 0.072 37,771 5,160 0.308 161,876
Fishing Fishing 163 0.01 5,230 1,144 0.068 36,610 4,903 0.29 156,901
Firemaking Firemaking 65 0.012 6,301 458 0.085 44,110 1,962 0.363 189,042
Crafting Crafting 42 0.015 6,934 297 0.102 48,541 1,273 0.435 208,033
Smithing Smithing 17 0.011 5,999 121 0.08 41,993 519 0.345 179,969
Mining Mining 87 0.013 6,233 612 0.089 43,629 2,621 0.381 186,982
Herblore Herblore -5 0.012 5,577 -32 0.085 39,039 -136 0.363 167,312
Agility Agility 8 0.013 6,346 58 0.093 44,420 250 0.399 190,372
Thieving Thieving 30 0.014 6,521 208 0.097 45,647 892 0.417 195,630
Slayer Slayer 13 0.01 5,960 94 0.068 41,717 403 0.29 178,788
Farming Farming -10 0.01 5,121 -71 0.068 35,850 -303 0.29 153,642
Runecraft Runecraft 7 0.015 6,098 47 0.106 42,689 202 0.453 182,955
Hunter Hunter 6 0.008 4,748 44 0.055 33,239 187 0.236 142,454
Construction Construction -0 0.014 6,653 -3 0.097 46,569 -14 0.417 199,582
Summoning Summoning -7 0.011 6,544 -52 0.076 45,805 -221 0.326 196,307
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering -32 0.007 5,419 -226 0.051 37,936 -969 0.218 162,581
Divination Divination 1,176 0.059 6,881 8,234 0.415 48,169 35,287 1.778 206,439
Invention Invention 0 0.001 -0 0 0.004 -0 0 0.018 -0

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