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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Reydeltodo's profile was created on October 12, 2015, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Mining
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Mining
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Mining
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 180 0.613 184,518 1,258 4.294 1,291,629 5,392 18.402 5,535,554
Attack Attack 253 0.017 4,003 1,768 0.117 28,018 7,575 0.503 120,079
Defence Defence 233 0.018 4,994 1,633 0.126 34,957 6,999 0.541 149,817
Strength Strength 350 0.019 5,646 2,449 0.135 39,525 10,494 0.58 169,393
Constitution Constitution 326 0.022 9,686 2,283 0.153 67,799 9,784 0.657 290,569
Ranged Ranged 208 0.019 5,219 1,456 0.135 36,534 6,242 0.58 156,574
Prayer Prayer 59 0.018 4,801 416 0.126 33,605 1,781 0.541 144,021
Magic Magic 205 0.015 3,393 1,435 0.108 23,751 6,148 0.464 101,788
Cooking Cooking 187 0.003 7,677 1,307 0.018 53,738 5,602 0.077 230,308
Woodcutting Woodcutting 426 0.026 15,490 2,982 0.18 108,428 12,782 0.773 464,691
Fletching Fletching 345 0.03 6,873 2,412 0.207 48,114 10,335 0.889 206,204
Fishing Fishing 315 0.03 11,807 2,206 0.207 82,649 9,453 0.889 354,212
Firemaking Firemaking 162 0.019 6,630 1,135 0.135 46,410 4,866 0.58 198,900
Crafting Crafting 127 0.023 9,855 892 0.162 68,982 3,823 0.696 295,638
Smithing Smithing 176 0.027 8,794 1,235 0.189 61,561 5,295 0.812 263,833
Mining Mining 69 0.017 7,611 484 0.117 53,279 2,074 0.503 228,339
Herblore Herblore 38 0.015 3,528 268 0.108 24,697 1,149 0.464 105,843
Agility Agility 113 0.018 5,801 788 0.126 40,606 3,376 0.541 174,026
Thieving Thieving 259 0.043 17,365 1,814 0.298 121,556 7,776 1.276 520,955
Slayer Slayer 225 0.03 5,714 1,574 0.207 39,999 6,745 0.889 171,426
Farming Farming 145 0.027 5,265 1,017 0.189 36,858 4,356 0.812 157,965
Runecraft Runecraft 89 0.017 4,112 625 0.117 28,781 2,677 0.503 123,347
Hunter Hunter 201 0.027 5,732 1,405 0.189 40,127 6,023 0.812 171,974
Construction Construction 99 0.019 5,994 693 0.135 41,957 2,969 0.58 179,817
Summoning Summoning 91 0.022 7,754 636 0.153 54,277 2,725 0.657 232,614
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 129 0.017 4,531 903 0.117 31,718 3,870 0.503 135,936
Divination Divination 53 0.022 4,824 369 0.153 33,770 1,583 0.657 144,730
Invention Invention 2,384 0.055 1,418 16,688 0.388 9,929 71,518 1.662 42,554

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