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Touchpad Pro

- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Touchpad Pro's profile was created on June 12, 2009, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Magic
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Magic
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Magic
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 167 0.389 852,310 1,168 2.725 5,966,170 5,005 11.678 25,569,300
Attack Attack 365 0.009 17,334 2,557 0.064 121,339 10,960 0.274 520,023
Defence Defence 313 0.01 4,339 2,189 0.069 30,371 9,381 0.297 130,161
Strength Strength 150 0.006 4,049 1,051 0.04 28,342 4,503 0.172 121,464
Constitution Constitution 272 0.008 16,085 1,902 0.053 112,595 8,150 0.227 482,550
Ranged Ranged 509 0.013 19,604 3,566 0.089 137,227 15,283 0.383 588,115
Prayer Prayer 95 0.011 31,560 663 0.075 220,921 2,843 0.32 946,804
Magic Magic 167 0.008 13,175 1,168 0.057 92,224 5,005 0.242 395,245
Cooking Cooking 3 0 48,462 19 0 339,235 81 0 1,453,864
Woodcutting Woodcutting 86 0.005 42,478 601 0.035 297,347 2,576 0.149 1,274,344
Fletching Fletching 115 0.007 19,543 805 0.046 136,801 3,451 0.195 586,290
Fishing Fishing 15 0.003 51,042 103 0.022 357,294 443 0.094 1,531,260
Firemaking Firemaking 29 0.005 51,611 203 0.036 361,278 870 0.156 1,548,333
Crafting Crafting 124 0.01 20,722 868 0.073 145,056 3,721 0.313 621,669
Smithing Smithing 75 0.01 52,028 523 0.069 364,199 2,241 0.297 1,560,854
Mining Mining 229 0.01 52,020 1,600 0.067 364,141 6,859 0.289 1,560,606
Herblore Herblore 519 0.026 14,150 3,636 0.182 99,048 15,582 0.782 424,490
Agility Agility 521 0.026 52,110 3,648 0.182 364,773 15,633 0.782 1,563,314
Thieving Thieving 173 0.013 52,079 1,214 0.088 364,554 5,204 0.375 1,562,375
Slayer Slayer 200 0.021 24,085 1,399 0.144 168,598 5,995 0.618 722,565
Farming Farming 521 0.026 52,110 3,646 0.182 364,773 15,627 0.782 1,563,314
Runecraft Runecraft 27 0.01 8,727 187 0.067 61,087 804 0.289 261,803
Hunter Hunter 521 0.026 48,642 3,646 0.182 340,494 15,626 0.782 1,459,262
Construction Construction 520 0.026 17,326 3,643 0.182 121,283 15,615 0.782 519,785
Summoning Summoning 514 0.026 4,495 3,601 0.182 31,464 15,432 0.782 134,847
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 519 0.032 52,110 3,632 0.221 364,773 15,564 0.946 1,563,314
Divination Divination 521 0.026 30,313 3,645 0.182 212,193 15,623 0.782 909,397
Invention Invention 520 0.032 52,110 3,643 0.221 364,773 15,614 0.946 1,563,314

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