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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Samantha's profile was created on November 4, 2014, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Hunter
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Hunter
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Hunter
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 180 0.807 3,119,239 1,262 5.65 21,834,676 5,409 24.212 93,577,182
Attack Attack 358 0.014 87,330 2,506 0.101 611,308 10,741 0.434 2,619,890
Defence Defence 223 0 146,830 1,564 0 1,027,808 6,701 0 4,404,891
Strength Strength 476 0.018 87,963 3,335 0.124 615,741 14,295 0.531 2,638,890
Constitution Constitution 275 0.002 176,424 1,922 0.011 1,234,968 8,238 0.048 5,292,721
Ranged Ranged 435 0.024 174,288 3,047 0.169 1,220,013 13,058 0.723 5,228,629
Prayer Prayer 91 0 37,252 638 0 260,762 2,733 0 1,117,551
Magic Magic 148 0 54,945 1,036 0 384,614 4,441 0 1,648,344
Cooking Cooking 444 0.031 26,231 3,111 0.214 183,615 13,333 0.916 786,923
Woodcutting Woodcutting 711 0.037 24,858 4,977 0.259 174,003 21,330 1.109 745,729
Fletching Fletching 413 0.031 22,428 2,894 0.214 156,994 12,401 0.916 672,832
Fishing Fishing 434 0.031 166,295 3,037 0.214 1,164,062 13,017 0.916 4,988,838
Firemaking Firemaking 545 0.039 107,423 3,816 0.27 751,962 16,353 1.158 3,222,696
Crafting Crafting 153 0.023 52,068 1,070 0.158 364,479 4,584 0.675 1,562,054
Smithing Smithing 244 0.031 59,248 1,705 0.214 414,737 7,306 0.916 1,777,442
Mining Mining 333 0.034 168,688 2,330 0.236 1,180,814 9,984 1.013 5,060,633
Herblore Herblore 96 0 18,532 671 0 129,722 2,877 0 555,950
Agility Agility 231 0.035 38,250 1,616 0.248 267,749 6,926 1.061 1,147,496
Thieving Thieving 204 0.034 255,954 1,428 0.236 1,791,679 6,122 1.013 7,678,624
Slayer Slayer 217 0.055 164,133 1,519 0.383 1,148,933 6,511 1.64 4,923,998
Farming Farming 281 0.045 125,350 1,968 0.315 877,452 8,434 1.35 3,760,508
Runecraft Runecraft 19 0 144,095 134 0 1,008,664 573 0 4,322,846
Hunter Hunter 252 0.037 165,764 1,766 0.259 1,160,346 7,571 1.109 4,972,914
Construction Construction 174 0.031 30,360 1,218 0.214 212,521 5,221 0.916 910,803
Summoning Summoning 106 0 170,882 740 0 1,196,174 3,171 0 5,126,462
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 30 0.024 142,983 211 0.169 1,000,878 906 0.723 4,289,478
Divination Divination 177 0.042 171,202 1,241 0.293 1,198,411 5,318 1.254 5,136,046
Invention Invention 3,202 0.195 299,466 22,417 1.362 2,096,265 96,075 5.836 8,983,993

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