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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Nawb's profile was created on December 20, 2011, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Hunter
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Hunter
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Hunter
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall 265 1.074 879,956 1,856 7.521 6,159,693 7,954 32.233 26,398,685
Attack Attack 330 0.031 10,912 2,313 0.216 76,385 9,913 0.926 327,365
Defence Defence 333 0.023 98,267 2,331 0.161 687,869 9,992 0.689 2,948,011
Strength Strength 455 0.039 46,092 3,184 0.272 322,645 13,646 1.164 1,382,765
Constitution Constitution 388 0.025 111,563 2,715 0.172 780,942 11,635 0.736 3,346,894
Ranged Ranged 224 0.018 142,666 1,566 0.127 998,659 6,709 0.546 4,279,968
Prayer Prayer 345 0.044 12,312 2,416 0.305 86,181 10,355 1.306 369,349
Magic Magic 295 0.023 44,459 2,068 0.161 311,216 8,863 0.689 1,333,781
Cooking Cooking 147 0.023 9,957 1,028 0.161 69,696 4,405 0.689 298,697
Woodcutting Woodcutting 333 0.038 10,734 2,330 0.266 75,139 9,985 1.14 322,026
Fletching Fletching 252 0.031 11,058 1,766 0.216 77,403 7,570 0.926 331,726
Fishing Fishing 344 0.036 24,218 2,411 0.249 169,525 10,331 1.069 726,534
Firemaking Firemaking 285 0.038 11,219 1,993 0.266 78,530 8,541 1.14 336,558
Crafting Crafting 301 0.039 11,557 2,109 0.272 80,899 9,038 1.164 346,708
Smithing Smithing 272 0.038 12,946 1,903 0.266 90,620 8,155 1.14 388,373
Mining Mining 363 0.039 23,911 2,542 0.272 167,377 10,894 1.164 717,332
Herblore Herblore 184 0.037 17,015 1,286 0.26 119,102 5,511 1.116 510,439
Agility Agility 231 0.039 10,907 1,620 0.272 76,352 6,942 1.164 327,221
Thieving Thieving 282 0.036 38,256 1,973 0.255 267,795 8,456 1.093 1,147,691
Slayer Slayer 248 0.049 38,044 1,735 0.344 266,307 7,435 1.473 1,141,315
Farming Farming 107 0.031 13,796 746 0.216 96,570 3,199 0.926 413,870
Runecraft Runecraft 193 0.039 15,287 1,353 0.272 107,010 5,798 1.164 458,613
Hunter Hunter 253 0.047 11,516 1,774 0.327 80,609 7,604 1.401 345,468
Construction Construction 87 0.025 10,659 606 0.177 74,611 2,595 0.76 319,761
Summoning Summoning 293 0.066 12,404 2,051 0.46 86,829 8,792 1.971 372,125
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering 151 0.049 28,120 1,057 0.344 196,838 4,528 1.473 843,590
Divination Divination 1,537 0.079 10,863 10,757 0.554 76,040 46,099 2.375 325,888
Invention Invention 1,569 0.096 91,221 10,986 0.671 638,545 47,083 2.874 2,736,620

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