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- Stat Averages

Overall  Attack  Defence  Strength  Constitution  Ranged  Prayer  Magic  Cooking  Woodcutting  Fletching  Fishing  Firemaking  Crafting  
Smithing  Mining  Herblore  Agility  Thieving  Slayer  Farming  Runecraft  Hunter  Construction  Summoning  Dungeoneering  Divination  Invention  
Note: Because Smeeagain007's profile was created on September 11, 2011, the stat averages are based from that date to now.
Average XP Gained in Herblore
Days of the Week - All Time
Average XP Gained in Herblore
Months of the Year - All Time

Average XP Gained in Herblore
Days of the Month - All Time

Stat Average Gains: All Time
Daily Weekly Monthly
Skill Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp Ranks Levels Xp
Overall Overall -26 0.102 31,118 -180 0.717 217,827 -773 3.073 933,542
Attack Attack 2 0.001 1,089 15 0.008 7,621 64 0.033 32,662
Defence Defence -14 0.001 861 -95 0.008 6,029 -405 0.033 25,840
Strength Strength 46 0.001 1,080 324 0.01 7,563 1,387 0.044 32,412
Constitution Constitution -1 0.001 1,144 -10 0.01 8,009 -42 0.044 34,323
Ranged Ranged -15 0.001 588 -104 0.005 4,113 -445 0.022 17,627
Prayer Prayer -35 0.002 264 -243 0.015 1,849 -1,043 0.065 7,926
Magic Magic 4 0.001 317 26 0.005 2,221 111 0.022 9,520
Cooking Cooking 56 0.004 3,095 390 0.025 21,667 1,673 0.109 92,860
Woodcutting Woodcutting -3 0 891 -20 0 6,236 -87 0 26,724
Fletching Fletching 35 0.002 1,060 244 0.013 7,423 1,044 0.054 31,814
Fishing Fishing 10 0.001 800 71 0.01 5,603 306 0.044 24,014
Firemaking Firemaking -4 0.004 1,967 -25 0.028 13,766 -108 0.12 58,996
Crafting Crafting -29 0.002 1,200 -204 0.015 8,401 -876 0.065 36,002
Smithing Smithing -15 0.004 907 -108 0.025 6,351 -462 0.109 27,217
Mining Mining -0 0.003 1,091 -3 0.02 7,639 -13 0.087 32,739
Herblore Herblore -35 0.003 1,503 -245 0.018 10,518 -1,048 0.076 45,078
Agility Agility -14 0.004 1,086 -95 0.028 7,599 -406 0.12 32,566
Thieving Thieving -16 0 655 -114 0 4,587 -490 0 19,660
Slayer Slayer -35 0.002 887 -244 0.013 6,206 -1,047 0.054 26,596
Farming Farming -25 0.002 965 -173 0.015 6,758 -742 0.065 28,963
Runecraft Runecraft -2 0.008 2,277 -16 0.053 15,940 -70 0.229 68,316
Hunter Hunter -3 0.004 2,326 -19 0.028 16,285 -83 0.12 69,795
Construction Construction -22 0.005 2,200 -151 0.036 15,401 -647 0.153 66,005
Summoning Summoning -30 0.003 430 -212 0.018 3,013 -910 0.076 12,912
Dungeoneering Dungeoneering -12 0.004 1,457 -83 0.031 10,199 -356 0.131 43,710
Divination Divination 668 0.03 879 4,674 0.208 6,152 20,030 0.894 26,367
Invention Invention 666 0.011 97 4,660 0.076 676 19,972 0.327 2,899

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